Immigration & Absolutes

I would argue (and I don’t think I’d get much disagreement), that if you were to bring 1,000,000 Anglo-Celtic Australians into Japan, you would get an increase in violent crime, theft and public drunkenness. I’ve said this before and may have mentioned it or something similar in another post. I don’t have direct evidence of this but I base it on what I know about my own people and what I know of the Japanese and the different crime rates between the nations. I also can’t test it unless it were actually to happen. But I think it’s true and I think I know which way most people would put their money if they were forced to gamble on it.

In saying this am I suggesting that all Anglo-Celtic Australians are violent, drunken thieves? No, I’m obviously not and given the group I have singled out, I wouldn’t expect people to find even an explicitly absolute statement in these terms to be controversial or offensive. Though many would immediately perceive where I was going with the statement would probably refuse to answer whether or not they agree.

Where I would be going of course would be with the similar number of “Syrian” migrants that arrived in Germany and many other European countries, especially over the last year.

In almost any other context, discussing populations on a macro level is not controversial. Even though any discussion must be a generalisation to get anywhere, this will only be a problem when discussing negative qualities of other races and cultures. Also Islam. Saying “Muslim women wear head-scarves” isn’t a problem even though not every single Muslim woman does because it is generally true. Similarly, saying “Japanese people eat sushi” isn’t a problem even though I have a friend who is Japanese and doesn’t like it. Yet, as soon as you make a negative observation, this becomes a problem. Suddenly “all”, “100%” seems to appear everywhere. “That’s a generalisation..” “Not all…” etc.

This has of course been pointed out by many people a nauseating number of times and I don’t expect my own words to be the slightest bit original. But I want to write this if only to let out my frustration at the otherwise intelligent people who suddenly become intellectually obtuse when this is brought up in the context of immigration. The reality is that what is generally negative about a race or group of people must be considered on a macro level when allowing them to immigrate in large numbers.

However doing so honestly would be losing the argument. So not only is it not discussed, any serious consideration is made at the very least; impolite and at worst; racist. The reason I do not want people from the vast majority of other nations in the world, coming to my own is because a quick look at their population on a macro level makes it clear they are largely undesirable. This in no way speaks to the goodness of any individuals living in the country. This is obvious with any other topic from weeds in your garden to sugar in your diet. Sugar isn’t bad but it can be if you consume a lot of it.

Then there is another annoyance when I bring up weeds, I’m suddenly implying immigrants are like weeds which I am not and anyone with a brain knows I am not. I am merely pointing out that things that are otherwise harmless like rocks, animals and even humans can become harmful with something as simple as an increase in number. Not just with numbers but a great number of other factors.

I have often wondered if it is a conscious denial of reality or if they really don’t see. I know the elites know what they’re doing by the way migrants are settled. But for the normal man (this can also be assumed to include women), fear of the reality must play a large part. I have given thought to this before though.

So even though I’m an Anglo-Celtic Australian and my country is one of the most prosperous in the world, it would be a very bad idea to bring large numbers of my people into Japan. This despite the the major demographic crisis in the country from a low birthrate and an increasingly aging population. I’m sure it would cause many more problems than it would solve. Doing the same with people from far less prosperous countries is even worse and pretending otherwise is irresponsible and dangerous.

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