Monthly Archives: July 2017

Health & Healthcare

I was inspired by a recent online discussion (discussion is being charitable), to put some of my disorganised thoughts on healthcare down in something close to a coherent form. Well after finishing, I hope it can be described as such.

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Standards of Evidence

Suppose I were to tell you that I didn’t believe the theory of evolution. After getting past your initial incredulity you might as why that is, given all the evidence and scientific research that has been done.  I would respond … Continue reading

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Friday Castle Jukebox – Mega Music

This article was originally published at I did a lot of these but as they are mostly just posting YouTube videos, I didn’t want to go through and save all of them. This was my first and one of my … Continue reading

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review

This article was originally published at

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Heroes of Replay – Black

This article was originally published at

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Heroes Reject – Golden Axe: Beast Rider

This article was originally published at

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Playing at the Next Level Book Review

This article was originally published at

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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Review

This article was originally published at

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The Wii U: This Generation’s Best Console

This article was originally published at

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Pure Pwnage: Teh Movie Review

This article was originally published at Pure Pwnage: Teh Movie was originally revealed on the crowd funding platform indiegogo in September of 2012. After years in development it finally premiered earlier this year on January 23rd in Toronto. After a … Continue reading

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