Tag Archives: Sega

The Baffling Design of Sonic Frontiers

Sonic the Hedgehog didn’t have the successful transition into 3D that the Super Mario Bros. series did. While Super Mario 64 set the standard and remains a fun and engaging game to this day, the same can not be said … Continue reading

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Towards a Heuristic for a GREAT Game

This post is the culmination of something I’ve been thinking about for a while but have never put into writing after years of playing, reading about and reviewing games. There are obviously a lot of problems with gaming journalism as … Continue reading

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Beyond Donkey Kong Book Review

Beyond Donkey Kong: A History of Nintendo Arcade Games by Ken Horowitz, McFarland, November 30th, 2020 I have previously reviewed Ken Horowitz’s first book Playing at the Next Level and also been a long time (though not regular), contributor to … Continue reading

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E3 is pointless and has been for years

Just over two years ago I wrote a diatribe called ‘The Absolute State of Video Games’ that covered various aspects of the gaming industry. One that I covered towards the end was the increasing irrelevance of gaming media as publishers … Continue reading

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The Games of 2020

I might have written before that I don’t think much of the idea of a “Game of the Year” or really an “[Anything] of the Year”. Being a native of a country that insists on awarding citizens such titles, you’d … Continue reading

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The 30-Day Video Game Music Challenge

Game Sack covered this on the most recent episode and since I’m particularly fond of video game music, I thought I’d join in too. I’m not on Twitter or any social media and I usually avoid low-effort content here so … Continue reading

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The Absolute State of Video Games

As one of my resolutions for this year is to reduce the amount I play/buy and my overall involvement with gaming as a hobby, I have naturally been reflecting on the reasons why I came to make this decision. There … Continue reading

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Heroes of Play – Sonic Mania Review

This is my latest at Heroes of Play. Sonic the Hedgehog was the game series (and character) I was most fond of during primary school. I don’t know if it is a good or bad thing that I’m still into … Continue reading

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Friday Castle Jukebox – Mega Music

This article was originally published at Another-Castle.com I did a lot of these but as they are mostly just posting YouTube videos, I didn’t want to go through and save all of them. This was my first and one of my … Continue reading

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Heroes Reject – Golden Axe: Beast Rider

This article was originally published at HeroesOfPlay.blog

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