Tag Archives: Society

Being Cheap can be Expensive

I can be quite cheap with certain things. The main example would be with regard to entertainment. If you wait a few years to see a movie, buy a game or read a book, the quality isn’t going to diminish … Continue reading

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Monkeys playing in Ruins

“The monkeys called the place their city, and pretended to despise the Jungle-People because they lived in the forest. And yet they never knew what the buildings were made for nor how to use them. They would sit in circles … Continue reading

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The Full Degeneracy

As I’ve mentioned before, I have become increasingly conscious of just how inappropriate much media is. This usually happens when I re-watch something I saw when I was young and notice a lot of things I thankfully didn’t notice as … Continue reading

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Women and Politics

I was inspired to write this post because of the recent news that Lauren Boebert a recently elected politician to the House of Representatives from Colorado, USA has filed for divorce. She is relatively young (at least younger than me), … Continue reading

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The Continued Relevance of The Abolition of Man

By chance I picked up a copy of The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis recently and decided to re-read it. If you’ve read it, you would know it is a quick read and I had it finished in a … Continue reading

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The Source but never the Solution

It is no great secret that a certain types of personalities tends to gravitate towards power and influence. Whether it is status, wealth or outright malevolence, these people will go where the power is. Today, we know where the power … Continue reading

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